Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper
Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper

visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper

visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper

So please, if you cannot fix both problems in the next patch, at least provide a workaround so that “undo” is not affected.

#Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper install#

Apologies to everyone affected, and please install the new version. The fact is, I can live without the “advanced” auto-complete suggestions (since the basic ones are working correctly), but the absence of “undo” is not acceptable. Hi, I am using Visual Studio 2015 along with version 2016.1.225.35 of Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX I am trying to get JavaScript intellisense to work, to try. UPDATE The behavior described below is supposedly fixed in ReSharper 9.1.3. It extends and improves native Visual Studio IntelliSense, enables you to view documentation for types and their members right in the editor, provides quick code transformations using context actions, and a lot more. If I don’t press after step 2, and press instead, it would just jump to step 6. ReSharper offers a number of ways for streamlining common coding tasks to increase your productivity and save your time. If I don’t restart VS in step 6, and try step 1~3 again, the results are the same. Public static Foo Create(T t) => //Typing… not finished yet.Ģ) Wait for IntelliSense to pop up, with “new Foo()” as the first and selected suggestion.Ĥ) A space is typed in instead of the expected auto-completion, with the IntelliSense box still open.Ħ) The IntelliSense box disappears, and the “undo” feature of Visual Studio is broken, so I have to restart VS all over again.Ī) Part of R# IntelliSense is malfunctioning. Glyphfriend is a Visual Studio 2015 extension to enhance the existing Intellisense to display preview glyphs for many of the common glyph-based font libraries like Font Awesome, Bootstrap, and much more. I have a class Foo with a constructor Foo(T t), and created a static class Foo as follows: I’ve come across this bug when using R# 9.1.3 with VS2015 RTM.

Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper